1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these.

Remember, the faster a horse is going, the faster it will tire, and the wider its turns will be.

3] If you see a player slandering another player, or are being slandered in a public chat please file an Abuse Report immediately and Personally Mute the player. Like most of the main islands in Horse Isle 2, Angled Forest Island has a town, AngleTon.

2] Claiming abuse in order to gain horses or items on Horse Isle is unacceptable, and will be considered a scam. Social/AntiSocialEasygoing/StubbornBrave/SkittishLeader/FollowerEnergetic/Lazy

This may be anywhere from 10 minutes to 24 hours.

5] Contest scams must be reported immediately, if you have been scammed please file an Abuse Report immediately. Any valuables or money exchanged beforehand, could result in the player being banned. 4] Keep in mind that this filter does have a specific purpose, please do not openly argue the filter when you cannot say a specific word, this will result in a warning. LOOK, which will tell you the breed and color of the horse, and. 2] Please do not slander another player, if you have a problem either mute the player or take it to the Personal Message feature. e.g. Abuse Reports These involve racing, jumping, dressage - all many-player games. There is a large variation of quests, from buried treasure, labyrinths, and painting, to simply returning someone's books!

1000 is super duper happy, and 0 not happy at all. 3] Do NOT continue a topic that is considered offensive in any way, this will result in punishment depending on the nature of the content.

Whatever horse you decide is #1 of all your horses will be listed first in the horse list. Add a space, and then the URL shown above for your desired server after the existing target contents. 6] Do not trade something you are not willing to lose. Unique club system.

7] In order to file an abuse report you need to click the "HELP" button and then click the button "ABUSE REPORT". 12] The art contest does not include usernames in order to remove bias. Ability to lease horses to other players for set periods of time. Engaging in harmful discussion will result in a warning or punishment. 1] The Definition of Begging: "to ask for as a gift, as charity, or as a favor" (Dictionary.com) Breaks

2] Please do not argue with a Moderator when you are told to do something, or when you are muted, there is always a good reason if a Moderator has contacted or muted you. Please include that it is for HI2 and your HI2 username. Always be sure a trade is fair in and of itself. 1] Suggestions are well appreciated, but keep in mind that it takes a lot of work to get most suggestions in effect.

2] An example: "We HATE MODS club - they are mean, and they do horrid things and try to rule us with their power, they are bad - don't trust them!1!! 6] If it is clear to staff that you have not fulfilled your end of a training agreement, you will be banned. Doing so is considered cheating and will result in losing everything that was moved if not losing both accounts completely. Here on my "Horse Isle 2 Help" you will find all kinds of help for the mini games, quizzes and walk-throughs for the Quests that are encountered in Horse Isle 2. Hundreds of game characters to interact with.

Please simply just Personally Mute the player to avoid conflict or stress to yourself. Our goal is to provide as much accurate information to the public as possible. Do Not make a new account because you are banned. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place!

: Player 1: "That singer is sooo hot I love him" Player 2: "No he's not hes ugly!!"


Clicking the FAVORITE button will allow you to pick the horse's rank from a menu.

1] Please do NOT attempt to steal from others, this is strictly against the rules. This answer is:

4] If you have been muted, please accept that you have broken a rule - please do not argue as to why you have been muted. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 2] Horse Isle does not advise that you pay for training ahead of time, however it does not prohibit it. 2] Horses marked "Not selling now" may or may not be for sale. 6] Do not create a new account unless the administration tells you that you are allowed to. Thought this would be fun I love horse isle, I wish more people played! Trading Between Games However, non-subscribers can't own a ranch and can only breed by breeding with another player's horses on their studs list. However, if it happens, type !STUCK and it will nudge you a little to try and get you unstuck. 205 likes. Movie/Game names must not have content containing violence, no adult content, no substance abuse.

2] This is not an appropriate way to talk about anyone, let alone yourself - please avoid undermining yourself wherever possible. Help grow your club to the largest in Horse Isle. The Lands of Horse Isle: HI2-The Legend of the Esrohs Eternal and LifeCycle Servers 6] No trading should occur until after support has been contacted and the club has been successfully transferred. Option to buy a private island, on which to build a ranch or estate with a main house in the player's option of architectural styles (Plains Native American, Classical Greek, Victorian, Log Cabin, Tree House or Medieval). Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 3] Please do not include another language in any Profiles, including Horse and Player profiles, if another language is included in your profile, you will be notified and told to remove it, or it will be forcibly removed. example: Isle - Esroh - Requirement. Please file an abuse report to be sure that the Admins know of the behavior.

Abusing the system will result in violation points gained to your account. Bullying

The UP and DOWN arrows are used to set the target speed that you want the horse to race.

Food Items Apple (Green)- Windy Pines, Sunny Glade, Angled Forest, Islands Lake Apple (Red)- Bend, Lance, Sunny Glade, Plains, Curvy, Islands Lakekkkk Acorn- Lance, Sunny Glade, Plains, Prairie Almond- Square, Prairie :D Banana- Green, Lost Jungle, Vine, Banana, Tiger isles :D Brazil Nut- Green, Lost Jungle, Ancient If the groom is 0-499, the player can't enter certain competitions. 2] Please do not add ANY of the above rule breaking Personal Information - you will be asked to remove it or it will be 2] If you already own more than one account, please notify Admin immediately, to have it deleted. Then care, train and feed your horses. They do not raise their bids, so they cannot outbid you. Horse Isle is a vast multi-player horse based world.

Racial This will assure that you get the horse back. 4] There can only be one owner of a Club. (siblings, friends, pet cats, dogs, birds, rabbits etc.) (Dictionary.com) All horses are non solid, you can go inside one and see what's behind it (and possibly the player riding it!). The many questions from the 2 newbies sisters combined with the lack of a public and updated wiki gave GlowCat the idea. Foreign bidders always bid immediately on any horse they may bid on. 5] If the player continues, please Personally Mute them immediately without further discussing anything with them, and file an Abuse Report.

e.g. Fair Play

Pity Ploys in Order to Gain Horse Isle Items

Horse Isle 2: Life Cycle Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. Do not upset yourself by reacting in the same manner. 1] Please remember to take frequent breaks when playing on the internet or computer. Horse Isle 2 Help - Paintings Paintings Amber Isle Dockhouse AngleTon Sir Bellows home (smithy) AngleTon MrBridger's home AngleTon Proffessors Probability and Euclidean AngleTon Titre Family. We plan to offer player-created guides as well as providing a list of all of the Help Topics from the game. All of these processes take up a lot of CPU time and resources on your computer. Remember that players can price their tokens however they choose, and that they're not responsible for pricing them in a way that you personally find affordable. (Dictionary.com) Instead of giving them the horse, you lease, which is a temporary rental of the horse.

Participate in the Earn-A-Sub program if you fit the criteria.

1] We do not recommend that you board your horse on another player's account, once you give that player your horse, they can choose to keep it. After you have cleared your history, reconnect to Horse Isle. 1] This game was designed for ALL ages, any topics related to graphic adult content are strictly against the rules and will result in immediate punishment without warning. And type in the owner of the ranch at the bottom of the screen that appears.

2] If a Moderator sends you a Personal Message containing advice or a warning, please follow it immediately. 1] Please do not ask another player to buy a horse that is NOT set under the "Sell for good price" or "Want to sell" tags. 3] Please do NOT attempt to dodge or avoid this filter in any way, this is strictly against the rules. Some ways include via Abuse Reports (please see section on those above), Random Chat Reviews or Forum Reviews. Dial-up is simply too slow for the enormous amount of content this game uses. Because FutileFantasy has a little experience in using and updating wikis, she agreed to take . 2] Here are some things you should do: Avoid hurting someone's feelings; Respect other people's online rights; Avoid insulting someone; If someone insults you, be calm and do not respond. 1] A Horse Isle Moderator is someone who is enabled to enforce the rules of Horse Isle - someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid conflict. 4] This note stands for Forums as well, should your Forum post violate rules, the post will be removed immediately.

1] A Raffle is defined as "a form of lottery in which a number of persons buy one or more chances to win a prize." Netiquette

3] Begging is strictly against the rules - the aim of the game is to earn what ever it is that you want, and begging takes the fun out of the game. A very unique, safe, educational, and fun horse game. 2] Please do NOT ask for items using pity as an excuse to engage in begging. You can always adopt surrendered horses in the livery. A very unique, safe, educational, and fun horse game. 3] Please do not beg other players to help you in the pricing of your horse - this is your responsibility, not theirs. 3] Any inappropriate topics or replies found will result in immediate deleting of the topic.

Toward the Setting Sun 3. However, please ask for the help to be given to you via Personal Message.

1] If a horse is free roaming, and uncaught it is considered a Wild Horse. 7] DO NOT share your horse's registered name. They need to follow the instructions and use their own email address (or a parent's) and their own password. 1] Your account can be banned by the admins if you have broken the rules.

You earned $1000 and 25 quest points. Unlike Horse Isle 1, however, where all colors in a breed occurred with equal frequency, you will find that colors of horses in this game occur with roughly the average frequency that they do in real life; that is a color which is very rare in real life will be very rare in horse isle as well. - Answers Subjects > Arts & Entertainment > Music & Radio How do you get an underwater helmet for horse isle 2? The amount of the Listing Fee (in Horse Isle dollars) will be higher for longer times. 2] Please do NOT engage in bullying of ANY kind - this is strictly against the rules. 2] Cheating: For these competitions "cheating" is defined as acting in a dishonest or unfair fashion to gain an advantage in the competition. 2] ALWAYS assure that you never use the same password on other websites - some sites utilize these especially in order to hack your account. 500+ computer characters (residents) which you can interact with to complete adventures and learn things.

This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. 2] Please do NOT engage in this type of behavior, any players involved in any sort of player anarchy will be warned and the situation will be diffused. 1] Please do NOT engage in threatening another player in any way, this is strictly against the rules.

1] A game reset is necessary in order to add any changes to Horse Isle, or to fix bugs. 10] Limit your contact and friendships to IN-GAME only. 1] Scamming of any kind is strictly against the rules. 6] You cannot complain about fairness if you choose to partake in a Contest. If you have a problem, please rather start a Support Issue for the Admin with a legitimate query. Unfair Trades Do not use anything that refers to you as your password. 5] If you are not the account owner, but someone has given you their password, this does not give you the right or the okay to log onto their account, give them violations or remove anything from the account. 5] If you notice a player attempting to scam please file an Abuse Report immediately and inform a moderator. Memorize your password.

Horse Isle 2: Life Cycle Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. This includes in classified ads and looking for buddies that role play.

Stuck : Bullied into buying a horse), or bully you in general. 4] If a player does agree to trade with you and they do not follow through, please do file an abuse report, but again, you will not get your money, items or horses back. The duration of the auction. 4] Naming of Horses in other languages are acceptable provided it is in the dictionary and you include the meaning of the name in the horse's profile. Sharing Accounts

1] Please keep in mind that Horse Isle is a site open to all people, or all ages, in all countries, many share different beliefs, opinions, etc.

If you are using Dial-up, the game will certainly lag. 4] If another player asks you to Personally Message another player because they have been muted, kindly tell them you will not interfere, there is a good reason they were personally muted.

We want everyone to have a fair chance when it comes to availability and ease of Horse Isle 2 information.

1] The definition of Pity: "sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another, often leading one to give relief or aid or to show mercy; a cause or reason for pity, sorrow, or regret."

5] If you do Stat or Experience training without using the contract system, you do so at your own risk since it is considered trading on a promise.

6] If the player continues, Personally Mute them immediately without further responding and file an Abuse Report. 2] Horse Isle strongly advises to never do a trade on a promise. 2] This can include but is not limited to: Scamming, Stealing, Theft, etc. This includes religious proselytizing, racial comments, ethnic stereotypes, political statements, etc. 2] The definition of offensive is: "characterized by attack; aggressive, causing resentful displeasure; highly irritating, angering, or annoying, the position or attitude of aggression or attack" If this does not deter you, it's possible to receive a ban from the game for one day as this not only causes confusion among the players, but it also wastes the time of the moderators and admins. 2] If you feel the need to engage in Story Telling, please keep the discussion in the Personal Messaging system or in Buddy Chat. 2] Remember that rules allow us to help you get the most out of the game, please keep to the rules accordingly. 5] If the player continues, Personally Mute them immediately without further responding and file an Abuse Report. Since I was not a beta player, I don't have the inside scoop on all of these quests. 2] Never try to purposefully get stuck. 1] Admin are the people who created this website, and Horse Isle itself. It is useful for those players who wish to auction many horses quickly, or have horses who, for whatever reason, they would like to sell but do not care to sell to another player.

Bud Isle - Apollo - Gramophone. Ancient Verse 14. Better tack makes a horse perform better. 3 Dry Isle. Quests. Here is a list of the Esrohs, what isle they're on, and the requirements to meet them!

So, I am just getting everything up as soon as I get it figured out. View Mobile Site Follow on IG . Ability to buy and sell horses at auction. When a horse is starving, it will lose 4 points of health per hour. #3) Run the flashplayer_32_sa.exe (windows), #4)This will open a mostly white empty application,at the top,click FILE -> OPEN (, Right click on the "flashplayer_32_sa.exe" projector that you downloaded above -> Click "Create Shortcut", Right click on this new icon "flashplayer_32_sa.exe Shortcut" -> Click "Properties". 1] Clubs are started by purchasing a Club Token from the Shop.

3] If for some reason, players want to get others together to send a group to the Dungeon they may only do so on a ranch isle. This sends everyone in the area to the Dungeon.

The foal's color with be determined by the color of their parents, for example, two chestnut parents' offspring will still be a chestnut. This includes, but is not limited to, trading between Horse Isle 1 and this game, paying a player to flute a horse for you, etc. 5.F.3 Horse Leasing: Subscribers may lease a horse to another player using the trade system.

3] Moderators are in place in order to enforce rules and keep the game enjoyable for all.

Any trades the horse has been involved in, and who traded it.

Everything we add to our wiki will be information we gathered from the game ourselves. 3] Many people find them annoying, frightening or threatening. Unlimited purchase amounts from player ranch stores.

2] These flaggings are not reviewed and violations are not assigned. 2] Please do NOT bully or harass another player into selling or returning a surrendered or previously sold horse back to you. This seems to have been a problem with Flash, as it was corrected in version 4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. No abbreviations that are not common.

2] When you quit, do not give away any horses, money or items. 4] You may not charge for a player held Beauty Contest. Terms Of Service 1] Please do NOT refer to any racial comments at all - there are many different players here of many different ethnicities, and respect is due to them all. Click "OK" at the bottom.

If you are not doing anything on your computer apart from playing Horse Isle, perhaps someone else using the same internet connection could be downloading or uploading something large, or otherwise using the bandwidth. Whatever horse you pick as #2 will be listed second, and so forth. Over 100 unique horse breeds, very detailed with professional renderings of each breed in each color. 4] Do NOT share ANY Phone/Cell numbers.

4] By using the format /$ in front of your advert .. "/$ Your Advert here" will send your advert automatically to the "ADS CHAT". 3] If someone is trying to fight with you on the Personal Messaging system please Personally Mute them immediately. The game offers customization options and allows the . Build a customizable ranch to produce items and support your horses! Whether or not to Short-Sell the horse. Ever Expanding Game Content: Hundreds of islands and buildings to explore. 5] An abuse report should ONLY be sent if it is a serious rule break. 1] Do not share your account with another player. Unfortunately I have stopped playing Horse Isle for now, I may or may not be back.

1] There are five forums: Bugs, Community Help, Game, Horses, General.

1] Violence is not allowed in the game. If you are having problems with slow gameplay on Linux and have the Beagle file-indexing system running, turning Beagle off will help your speed. 2] You are 100% responsible for your account. 1] Muting is a form of punishment used by Moderators or Admin in order to try and stop a specific action performed by a player. Once the lease expires the horse automatically reverts to the . 2] Do not ask friends to contact the player who has muted you, this validates as harassment.

2] Harassment is STRICTLY against the rules, do NOT engage in it. Many completely original soundtracks and game musics, professionally produced.

1] An insecure player is someone who willingly defaces or badmouth themselves. (See also "Trading on a Promise") 1] When an area (island, inside a building, etc) has over 75 people on it, players can call !TOOCROWDED. Please see a professional in your area instead.

Since I was not a beta player,. We are a team of 3 sisters; GreenGoblin, FutileFantasy, and GlowCat.

Asking to Buy Horses that are NOT For Sale

3] Please do not argue if action has been taken for any violation.

Compete in 8+ horse arenas with up to 8 others at once. This is for your and other peoples' safety.

1] If you need help please always remember to refer to the Help pages provided to you on the Horse Isle MAIN page (hi2.horseisle.com) first.

Welcome to HorseIsle 2 facebook page. 3] Players cannot do the following when they are muted by you: Contact you in any way (e.g. 2] Please be careful when considering trading money or items for services rendered, the service might not be performed while the player advertising the service receives and keeps the money or item.

Completing these can earn you awards and bonuses. Moderators giving their friends special treatment will have their status removed. There is no reason others need to know what religion you are. Advertising

If you would like to play a game that features breeding, you may enjoy Horse Isle 2: LifeCycle version. Oceanside 7. Join NOW!" 5] Remember that if you are seeking lost horses and willing to offer a good price, to please use the ADS Chat or Classified Ads function. Keep all personal relationship topics out of discussion. 3] Please do not share, discuss or reference your sexual orientation. This means no dating, no birth (details,) no death, no self-harm. 1] It can be possible to get stuck in the game. Bonuses. Player Contests 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. These are broadcast to all players and cannot be muted. See answer (1) Best Answer Copy It can be found by going East, and a bit South from the village on Amber Sands Isle.

Click Under Shortcut Tab - Scroll to the end of the Target: existing contents.

1] The Definition of Defamation: "the act of defaming; false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny" (Dictionary.com) It must be a single word with no spaces or punctuation of any kind. They are there as a reminder to you. There has been a problem with the "Custom Reply" feature, wherein some quests ask you to actually type in a response to an NPC's question. 3] The abuse report will send the report that is filled out by the player along with a short chat log. No religious content is allowed. There is one effect of mood: a happy horse will perform better in a competition than a sad one. 11] NEVER trust anyone met online. At the start of the game, the player can choose his unique pet and get into the game world where he can interact with other online players and enjoy the game together.

4] Forums are "cleaned out" every so often, please do not be offended if your post was removed, we need to keep them clean in order for the forums to load quickly. 11] If you are involved in role play and it becomes inappropriate, file an Abuse Report against ANY players still involved or being cataclytic to the situation.

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