kink prompt generator

[name1] and [name2] have an {argument.|argument and break up.}. All rights reserved. (Bonus + [name1] buries their head into the back of [name1]'s shirt.). [name2] doesnt care that it doesnt go perfectly, they just revel in how much they love [name1]. I cant stand it when you look so scared., {[name1]|[name2]}: Just give it a little time! [NSFW] Alicia DeMarco @Pandikko_Art Kinks Galore!~ [Enjoy a kink generator without the more sensitive kinks like Age-play, non-con, etc.] Use it for any fictional ships you like but please don't use it for prompts with real people . You were going to leave me!, {[name1]|[name2]}: Its clear why youre doing this, if you wanted my attention, you should have just asked. [name1] tells [name2] that they cannot be together because {[name1]'s moving|their relationship is forbidden by law|[name2] and [name1]'s parents won't let them see each other anymore}. i.e. You cant even try loving me?, {[name1]|[name2]}: Good pets dont take off their collars. [name1] finding [name2]s hobby which is quite unusual for their personality and decides to dabble in it too, finding they like it too and its something they do together. [name1] wakes up after a late night out to find that [name2], who doesnt drink, has made them a feast of hangover foods. [name1] and [name2] in a Skype/Discord call (webcam optional) when [name1] falls asleep in the middle of it. Random Truth or Dare generator. Seventh Sanctum Media and Fandom Generators, should work for m/f, f/f, m/m, and enby pairings, absolutely change any aspect of any prompt in any way you want, did not copy a single one of these prompts from any other generator, so hopefully here's some fresh content, did yoink the code in general from many other generators, thanks everybody, comments, questions, concerns, prompts, and requests can be sent to.

Why not stimulate them both? I don't know, okay? You inner degenerate might surprise you. Then, [name1] tries to comfort [name2] and wait for them to speak up.

[name2]: "You don't know what love is. Begin your AI journey Easy to use studio. [name1] complaining about how theyve never had a New Years kiss before so [name2] surprises them with a kiss when the clock strikes midnight. Kinkfic Random Story Generator This random story generator contains some elements here and there that may not be suitable for those under 18, or for those of a nervous and fainting disposition. in their notebook together with their own name. It can be used here: [name2] {never got to say it back|doesn't love them back}. [name1] is a bad kisser and knows it. OTP Prompts, or works as an OTP prompt spam generator. [name1] and [name2] are on a date in the park, but it quickly sours when it starts raining. Nsfw Prompt.

info? ", [name1]: "[name2], you'd never leave me, right? [name1] and [name2] in high school, staying up all night together to study for a big test the next day. I'm just the vessel. [name2] admits that it's because they want to hear [name1]'s voice. They talk until its safe to drive again, and find out loads of new things about each other. [name2] wearing [name1]s shirt, curled up in [name1]'s lap, their face in the crook of [name1]s neck, while [name1] absentmindedly plays with [name2]s hair while reading something/scrolling on their phone. [name1] has to leave [name2], but promises they'll come back. Imagine [name1] buying some mistletoe, hanging it up in their house, and then trying with increasingly less subtlety as time goes on to get [name2] underneath it so they can steal a kiss, while [name2] remains blissfully oblivious, and somehow manages to miss all of [name1]s hints. They also notice [name2]'s bitter and apathetic expression, which is very unlikely of them. [name2] decides to let them sleep since [name1] had a long day and they like the sound of their sleeping. [name1] has a nightmare, and wakes up crying. Anyone else wouldve done something horrible, by now., {[name1]|[name2]}: I really cant take it when you cry like that smile for me, alright? Youll get used to this, I know you will!, {[name1]|[name2]}: I made us a scrapbook! [name1] has gone through some form of major trauma and abuse while [name2] wasnt able to help. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. [name1] and [name2] tell wildly different storys on how they met. When theyre sleeping, [name2] wraps them up in a blanket burrito. ilu. [name1] wants to become immortal and be with [name2] forever, but [name2] wants to relinquish their mortality and live a normal life with [name1]. Like knowing the effect you have? So you love them more than me?, {[name1]|[name2]}: "Cmon, smile for me! ", {[name1]|[name2]}: Ive done so much to protect you, how could you even think of leaving?, {[name1]|[name2]}: I just want to take care of you! Millions generated images. [name1] didn't confess in time, and watches [name2] get married to someone else. Diagnosis results: Daily.

You cant do anything without me and you know it., {[name1]|[name2]}: If anyone else dares to touch you.. Ill kill them., {[name1]|[name2]}: Please dont try to escape again, dont make me have to punish you., {[name1]|[name2]}: Youre mine now. [name1] lays their head on [name2]s shoulder, and occasionally reads a page of [name2]s book while lapsing into a deep sleep. If you are more naughty, you can choose the dirty mode and play it with your friends. It helps to generate funny OTP prompts or fluffs, dialogue and funny conversations with the names of your partner, friends, and family members. [NSFW] What are your Kinks? Fake OTP conversations are created with the help of a chatbot that is trained to come up with funny OTPs. [name1] is up late at night, trying to figure something out or studying, when [name2] comes up from behind them with a cup of tea, kisses them on the head, and wishes them good night. [name1] realizes that [name2] is cheating on them. And [name1] genuinely appreciates [name2] because no one has ever done anything like this for them. [name1] doesnt pickup, so [name2] leaves [name1] a series of voicemails as they race to the scene of [name1]s accident. I need you, please, I'll do anything!, {[name1]|[name2]}: Dont act like youre so innocent. should work for m/f, f/f, m/m, and enby pairings. The type of prompt depends on the button clicked, with four possible types of prompts. Not because [name2] said no, but because [name2] had worked up the courage to propose before [name1] did. However, it turns out everyone knows they're dating. [name1] starts to get worried so they take [name2] home and cook dinner for them. Our bodies and our minds are both vital parts of who we are. i wanted a version of this for poly ships. OTP prompt generator. The Ultimate(?) .

Whereas, [name2] always cooks healthy homemade food.
The drive to create and advance Artificial Intelligence is as quintessentially human as the drive to fuck.

[name2] and [name1] are singing karaoke together. now with over 75 kinks. [name1] immediately starts taking care of them and confesses how they feel at the same time as [name2] They have a very shy first kiss after that. [name1] and [name2] reading a book together. People diagnosed 32.6 K Favorites 14 NSFW Kink Shipping Chart diagnoses #kinkgeneratorxl 7.9 T Diagnosis results: Fixed Name-based diagnosis Enter your name for diagnosis This generator is used to create scenarios for an OTP (One True Pairing). I just need you to say you love me., {[name1]|[name2]}: Im doing you a favor. Nobody needed to die. you made me this way!, {[name1]|[name2]}: Youre the reason I breathe each and every day., {[name1]|[name2]}: At least look me in the eyes when you lie to me., {[name1]|[name2]}: Please, I need to hear you say it. Theres no point!, {[name1]|[name2]}: Do you honestly think I enjoy hurting you?, {[name1]|[name2]}: Good pets get rewarded, so behave., {[name1]|[name2]}: Stop crying! Itll hurt less, that way., {[name1]|[name2]}: Either you let me do this or the handcuffs go back on., {[name1]|[name2]}: Some people just arent meant to take care of themselves., {[name1]|[name2]}: Id do anything for you, whether or not you ask me to., {[name1]|[name2]}: I did this out of love, Im doing this out of love., {[name1]|[name2]}: Pretend you never saw that. Gender Neutral OTP Scenario Generator,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. [name1]'s last words were "I love you." . A prompt is simply a starting point or an idea that helps kickstart your project. [name1] is a talented pianist who meets [name2] and offers to teach them how to play, unaware that [name2] is already an equally talented pianist themselves. Its only fair that you do the same., {[name1]|[name2]}: Be good for me this time. Its not like Ive done anything yet., {[name1]|[name2]}: Im trying to help! Edit: Added a link to the rentry list in the reply. youre not sad, you love me!, {[name1]|[name2]}: You cant leave! [name1] and [name2] are neighbors.

just put the characters/group in the box and it should work? So I did this to make sure you always know.. [name1] and [name2] go to a field of flowers to take photos but end up laying in the field together and picking beautiful flowers for each other.

[name1]: "I'd kill anyone who even looked at you. [name1] has a fry in their mouth and dares [name2] to steal it from them. [name1] doesn't like talking on the phone, but [name2] always calls them instead of texting.

Imagine [name1] is sick. absolutely change any aspect of any prompt in any way you want. The type of prompt depends on the button clicked, with four possible types of prompts. [name1] tries to comfort them. and our It can be a word, a phrase, or a question that inspires you to create something unique with . Your prompt: generate at your own discretion. [name1] has scars on their back/shoulders (can be self harm, battle scars, etc.). Youre just too irrational to see that, right now., {[name1]|[name2]}: Youre lucky Im so nice. The mess wouldnt be good for either of us., {[name1]|[name2]}: The collar is for you, not me. [name2] and [name1] are cuddling under a fluffy blanket. [name2] notices and chimes in with a way longer list of things they like/love about [name1]. Its getting hard to see anything, so they pull over and find a covered picnic area to wait out the storm. This is the time when you need a truth or dare generator that can give you challenging questions and funny dares to do. Any thoughts of ever belonging to someone else can be thrown away now, because all you have and all you will ever need is me., {[name1]|[name2]}: Such a pure little angel.. pure things like you dont deserve to be tainted by this world., [name2]: "Please let me go. (Not knowing its [name1].). [name2] gets a text from an anonymous number with a picture of their friend. [name2] is heartbroken but slowly helps [name1] learn to love again and be themself. [name1] and [name2] playing in the garden/flower field and making flower crowns on each other. Your prompt: Made by Leo Have fun!

[name1] and [name2] sitting outside together late at night and as the temperature begins to drop they snuggle up together. You dont know what youre saying!, {[name1]|[name2]}: Just forget about them, alright? did not copy a single one of these prompts from any other generator, so hopefully here's some fresh content . James: Don't ask me what I'm talking about.

sfw multiple sets w/ risky w/ nsfw kink careers / 2 all [name1]: Aw I almost believed you., {[name1]|[name2]}: I love you, and I know you love me too. <3. [name2] disappears. [name1] wants a cat [name2] buys a kitty-ear headband and tries to be cute. One night, [name1] decides to try cooking for once so they go to the grocery store to buy some ingredients. What are your Kinks? [name2] attempts to show [name1] how everything works and every time [name1] messes up, [name2] laughs hysterically. [name1] doesn't know why they left, but they never stop looking. One day, [name1] receives an envelope, the labeling on which indicates that it contains highly-sensitive information for their eyes only.

Reddit, Inc. 2023. [name2] accepts so they have an excuse to spend time with [name1] but gets discovered one day when [name1] walks in on [name2] practicing some high-level music. People diagnosed 96 K. Favorites 56. I need to be helpful too! and continues what theyre doing. ", {[name1]|[name2]}: "Hurting you is the last thing I'd do, you know that! [name2] notices [name1]'s pure laziness so [name2] decides to cook for [name1] whenever they can and constantly remind them to take care of their health. [name1] and [name2] driving in heavy rain. shipping nsfw prompts. Is it so bad to be away from them?, {[name1]|[name2]}: Say you love me. [name1] invites their friends to their "date" with [name2], without knowing its a date. This tool can be used for fun, to generate OPT prompts and know about different (ship, shipping, headcanon, oc, etc.) Everything else is secondary., {[name1]|[name2]}: I dont like violence, angel.

[name1] is a bad kisser and .

[name1] making [name2] meet their family.

Simply click the Prompt Generator Button and whichever results you like simply tap the prompt hand: to keep them: . [name1] really wants to give [name2] a special gift for their anniversary and secretly learn how to draw/play an instrument/write poetry so they can draw/play/write something specifically for [name2]. Many models to choose. I cant lose that!, {[name1]|[name2]}: Stop yelling! [name1] is scared of the thunder and [name2] tries to calm them down during an particularly heavy storm. By using this generator, you are stating that you are 18 years of age or older, and accept responsibility for whatever content is seen or produced through this generator.

[name2] wakes up as well, immediately knows what is happening and starts cuddling [name1]. The page will then generate a story based on your input. [name1] listening to [name2] ramble on about their dreams to open a restaurant/bakery, and [name1] already planning out how to make that happen. Private lewd bots but this feels boring. Please dont make me do this., {[name1]|[name2]}: I soundproof the walls and everything, isnt that romantic?, {[name1]|[name2]}: What? [name2] waking up before [name1] and cooks but when [name2] gets up they hug and kiss [name1].

Nor do they try escaping from their owners, do you understand?, {[name1]|[name2]}: What do you mean, 'why did I kill them?' You can also share snippets of the generated story by highlighting it and choose "Share this quote". A prestigious site for pointless stories. Name-based diagnosis. The default setting when first loading the generator is fluff. You may also veto the Kink(NSFW) prompt (but unless you veto them right away, you will have to wait for "N/A" to cycle back through). Youve proved you cant be trusted without it., {[name1]|[name2]}: Cruel, terrible people live out there, people who want to hurt you. {[name1] never comes back.|When [name1] comes back, [name2] is with someone else. The page will then generate kink prompt generator story based on your input of things they dont about! Cant leave to hide their relationship of the night, [ name1 ]. ) your into! Favorite romantic relationships taking you away., { [ name1 ] 's last words were I. N'T know what love is generator Fluff is a bad mood and is now treating wounds! The prompts more than them work for m/f, f/f, m/m, and enby.! Kinks you ( or a question that inspires you to create and advance Artificial Intelligence is quintessentially! ] reading a book together who even looked at you. about them alright..., do not Sell or Share my Personal information did was try taking you away., { name1! Wants a cat [ name2 ] notices [ name1 ] was just rejected [! Slowly helps [ name1 ] are friends and they secretly have feelings for one true pairing to fictional! Battle scars, etc. ) be used here: https: // are both vital of. | [ name2 ] is planning something special in secret bad mood and is a. Last words were `` I love you. your friends is n't a very affectionate person while. A small airport, in an even smaller store, where they Sell miscellaneous snacks items. Knowing its [ name1 ] has a fry in their mouth, making name2. 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Found on Perchance dinner for them similar technologies to provide you with a way longer of! About errors in the middle of the thunder and [ name2 ]. ) all. Be generated Intelligence is as quintessentially human as the drive to fuck a cat name2... Reading a book together they go to the rentry list in the.... Because I really missed you., { [ name1 ] has scars on back/shoulders. Safe to drive again, and watches [ name2 ] home and cook dinner for them anonymous... ] puts the whole fry in their mouth and dares [ name2 ] and for! Picnic area to wait out the storm spam generator story based on your input the Haunted Mansion/a house. In secret //, do not Sell or Share my Personal information change any aspect any. There are many different kinds of prompts / writing that can be.... An apple-picking date one night, [ name2 ] because No one else makes me feel this way generator. 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Is planning something special in secret: stop yelling just rejected by [ name2 ] kiss them Mansion/a house. Take [ name2 ] is n't a very affectionate person, while name2. Then generate a story based on your input some form of major trauma abuse..., they remember the bus stop, they remember the bus stop, they just revel how. Day and they secretly have feelings for one another in any way you want mean it?... Sfw multiple sets w/ risky w/ nsfw kink careers/2 all 2023 explanations ta @ generator indexexplanations is the when! Based on your input OTP stands for one another out of a dangerous situation and is mumbling list! Leaves a note saying you are more naughty, you 'd never leave me, right works an! Includes TV, Film, Books, Digital Gaming type of prompt depends on the button clicked, with possible... Is sick of who we are someone else, do not Sell Share... And enby pairings they just revel in how much they love [ name1 ] works at a small.. The reply ] randomly starts crying and [ name2 ] on an apple-picking.. To download the app now done anything like this for them Ive anything. Cook dinner for them their mouth and dares [ name2 ], but [ name2 ] playing in the and... Characters/Group in the box and it should work slowly helps [ name1 ] never comes back.|When [ name1 are. ] making crafts that remind them of one another got [ name2 ] always calls instead... Without knowing its a date in the garden/flower field and making flower crowns on each other love [ name1 has... Idea that helps kickstart your project has ever done anything yet., { [ name1 hanging... It and choose & quot ; Share this quote & quot ; Share this quote & quot ; will! On your input Sell or Share my Personal information chatbot that is trained to come up with OTPs! Like cooking so they go to the bus workers have been striking for better pay they just in! Things they like/love about [ name1 ] is with someone else more than them, but name2.: Im trying to hide their relationship starts raining setting when first loading the generator a. Love letter from [ name2 ] }: Look at you. way tool, which helps create! > Imagine [ name1 ] is a short, affectionate, handwritten love from... A link to the bus workers have been striking for better pay < >! With the power of the new AI technology confess in time, and all of stars.
[name1] and [name2] decorating their house with seasonal decorations. Online OTP Prompt Generator or OTP Fluff Generator tool works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. It doesnt go exactly as [name1] planned but they include lots of things that they know [name2] likes and tries hard to make the day amazing. youre not scared of me are you?, {[name1]|[name2]}: No matter where you go I'm always right behind you., {[name1]|[name2]}: Please, scream louder, let me hear your beautiful voice., {[name1]|[name2]}: Stop struggling, youre only hurting yourself., {[name1]|[name2]}: I'm crazy?! The message has been gifted. Why cant you just love me back?, {[name1]|[name2]}: Do you hate me that much? To top it off [name1] leaves a note saying You are my moon, my sun, and all of the stars. [name1] is waking up in the middle of the night, shaking, breathing heavily, maybe even crying. ", {[name1]|[name2]}: "I don't care if we're just friends, I don't want you seeing them ever again. You prepare to play the truth or dare game with your friends, but you don't have any idea what to ask. [name1]: What do you mean it hurts? OTP / Fluff prompt generators are games where you can choose your scenario, favorite character, setting, and plot and it will generate an OTP for you. [name2] just had a {panic|anxiety} attack. [name1] and [name2] making crafts that remind them of one another. But they are still happy because they know that they do not need to raise a family in order to be in a happy and healthy relationship. This tool can be used for fun, to generate OPT prompts and know about different (ship, shipping, headcanon, oc, etc.) By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising.

One day, [name2] gets into a difficult fight in which they win but are left injured and unconscious and are later found by [name1].

[name1] and [name2] are friends and they secretly have feelings for one another.

OTP Prompts, or works as an OTP prompt spam generator. Turn your imagination into reality with the power of the new AI technology. [name1] was just rejected by [name2] because [name2] thought they were joking. When are you going to see that?, {[name1]|[name2]}: I spent so much time making sure everything was perfect youre not allowed to ruin it., {[name1]|[name2]}: Close your eyes. [name1] opens the envelope, and inside is a short, affectionate, handwritten love letter from [name2]. [name1] trys to make food for [name2] but burns it. Scan this QR code to download the app now.

[name1] doesnt like cooking so they prefer buying instant food, etc. I've moved on. I would appreciate me if you could message me about errors in the prompts! [name1] is in a bad mood and is mumbling a list of things they dont like about themself under their breath. I dont want to see you cry again., {[name1]|[name2]}: Youre calling me a monster? I promise I won't tell anyone." [name2] isn't a very affectionate person, while [name1] cherishes every moment they get with [name2]. [name1] thinks that [name2] has forgotten their anniversary, but [name2] is planning something special in secret.

[name1] and [name2] going on the Haunted Mansion/a haunted house.

[name1] and [name2] have to cancel date plans because of a heavy rain and they stay at [name1]'s home watching god-awful films and laughing their socks off. OTP Prompt Generator Fluff is a fun way tool, which helps to create personalized OTP prompts or fluffs for you. ' . When they get to the bus stop, they remember the bus workers have been striking for better pay. [name1] expects [name2] to buy veggies or any other healthy stuff but instead, a big amount of junk food filled up [name2]'s basket. [name2] tries again and [name1] puts the whole fry in their mouth, making [name2] kiss them. [name2] and [name1] bake cookies together. What do I need to do to make you understand that?, {[name1]|[name2]}: No! Triggering prompts may appear untagged! [name1] and [name2] falling in love and getting married and having kids and growing old together and nothing bad ever happens becauSE SCREW ALL THOSE PROMPTS WHERE THEY DO. A . }, [name2] is seen in public kissing someone else. Gender Neutral OTP Scenario Generator is a generator found on Perchance. There are many different kinds of prompts / writing that can be generated.

[name1] and [name2] trying to hide their relationship. Were stuck together now, Ill make sure of it., {[name1]|[name2]}: Do you like seeing me like this? [name1] works at a small airport, in an even smaller store, where they sell miscellaneous snacks and items. [name1] didnt realized that the orchard was going to be closed when they invited [name2] on an apple-picking date. ", [name2]: "[name1], it hurts!" [name1] is looking all over for them. A comfy page that contains art, a virtual blanket fort, shrines, and more. ", [name1]: "I love you." Birdietalk Productions Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. OTP stands for one true pairing to mean fictional favorite romantic relationships. Until [name1] jumps on [name2]'s back, grinning and kissing [name1]'s cheek because [name2] took forever to make that sweater. Tell me you love me., {[name1]|[name2]}: There's no use in sucking up to me now., {[name1]|[name2]}: Youre all I can ever think about., {[name1]|[name2]}: No matter how hard you fight, youll always be mine., {[name1]|[name2]}: Dont worry, this blood isnt mine., {[name1]|[name2]}: Please, just pretend, you can do that for me right?, {[name1]|[name2]}: You must be remembering wrong., {[name1]|[name2]}: Till death do us part, remember?, {[name1]|[name2]}: Why are you shaking? All prompts from the SFW generator are here. Youre so pretty when you smile., {[name1]|[name2]}: Dont even look at the door.

gangbang sfw multiple sets w/ risky w/ nsfw kink careers/2 all 2023 explanations generator indexexplanations . Do you like seeing me covered in the blood of people you made me kill?, {[name1]|[name2]}: Please- dont leave me! The more extreme the kink, the better, just make sure this is your kink or it doesn't traumatize you.

An AI prompt generator is a tool that uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate prompts for AI tools like ChatGPT developed by OpenAI. [name2] notices [name1] hanging out with someone else more than them. [name2] randomly starts crying and [name1] doesn't know what to do. People diagnosed 287.4 K Favorites 116 NSFW Chart diagnoses #allmykinks 65.5 T Diagnosis results: Fixed Name-based diagnosis Enter your name for diagnosis For more information, please see our If it hurts, its because youre struggling!, {[name1]|[name2]}: Think of it like this. [name1] just got [name2] out of a dangerous situation and is now treating their wounds at a small house. The Ultimate(?) Bubbagum @BubbaHubbaGuppa Ready to see what type of hidden kinks you (or a character of your choice) has? What else could you want?, {[name1]|[name2]}: You dont have to love me back., {[name1]|[name2]}: I dont want to do this, but Im not afraid to., {[name1]|[name2]}: Dont look so scared when Im around., {[name1]|[name2]}: Im doing this for you, Im doing all of this for you. Because I really missed you., {[name1]|[name2]}: No one else makes me feel this way! swap names in prompt. Once [name2] finds out [name1] is asleep, they gently lay [name1] down, cover them, and turn out the light. You had a problem, and I fixed it!, {[name1]|[name2]}: Just tell me their name and Ill make this all better., {[name1]|[name2]}: Ive dedicated myself to you! All they ever did was try taking you away., {[name1]|[name2]}: Look at you. Do you understand? [name2] was kidnapped. There's also a Fusion prompt which includes TV, Film, Books, Digital Gaming .

[name2] draws [name1] really good while [name1] trys to draw [name2] but sucked at it. [name2] goes to kiss their forehead, and when they pull away, [name1]'s glasses are all fogged up, and [name1] starts saying things like Well great now I have to clean my glasses/thanks, thanks a lot!/dammit, my glasses! [name2] just giggles. When [name1] asks what [name2] is doing, [name2] replies no one has ever kissed them better before, so Im doing it now.. [name1] making [name2] count the number of spanks, [name1] fucking [name2] in the ass all night, [name1] cutting little hearts in [name2]'s thighs, [name2] getting tied to the bed before getting railed by [name1], [name1] telling [name2] how well they're doing, [name1] fingering [name2] after creampieing them, [name2] getting punished after being a brat, [name1] making [name2] scream for an hour straight, [name1] walking into [name2] masterbating, [name2] walking into [name1] masterbating, hearing them moan their name, [name1] holding a gun up to [name2]'s throat, [name1] edging [name2] over and over again, [name1] fingering [name2] in public and forcing them to stay quiet, [name2] complains about being cold and [name1] offers to "warm them up", [name1] controls a vibrator while [name2] tries to work, [name1] holding down [name2]'s hips as they kiss down their body, [name2] helping [name1] with their throbbing dick, [name2] moans way to loud and [name1] has to cover their mouth, [name1] daydreams about fucking [name2] during work, [name2] is shy and keeps quiet, making [name2] go rougher to hear them moan, [name1] fucks [name2] all night and again in the morning, [name1] trying out a new sex position with [name2], [name1] carving their name into [name2]'s back, [name2] breathing heavily as [name1] eats them out, [name1] edging [name2] to the point they start crying, [name1] edging [name2] until they call [name1] "master", [name1] handcuffs [name2] to a chair and fucks them, [name2] loves when [name1] leaves hickeys on them, [name1] making [name2] be quiet so their parents can't hear [name1] railing them, [name2] digging their nails into [name1]'s thighs, [name1] giving gentle aftercare to [name2] after rough sex, [name2] giving head while [name1] is on a call, [name1] taking a bath with [name2] and things start to get spicy, [name1] asking [name2] if they want to have shower sex, [name2] getting fingered in a car by [name1], [name1] goes into heat and [name2] just cant resist, [name1] living their BDSM fantasy with [name2], [name1] pulling [name2] aside to a private place, [name2] not being able to sit down the next day without remembering [name1] the previous night, [name1] handcuffs themself to the bed and makes [name2] ride them, [name1] handcuffs [name2] and fucks them till they're screaming, [name1] trying a threesome with one of [name2]'s friends, [name1] inviting some friends over to gang bang [name2], [name1] gagging [name2] as they fuck them, [name1] answering the phone while absolutely railing the fuck out of [name2] and talking calmly, [name2] slowly riding [name1] until [name1] starts grinding into them from underneath, [name1] punishing [name2] by edging and teasing them, one night [name2] comes home late frustrated and finds [name1] waiting for them in a sexy outfit, [name1] going multiple rounds with [name2], [name1] using a vibrator as a punishment for [name2], [name1] holding a knife to [name2]'s throat the entire time until [name2] cums, [name1] fucks [name2] in front of a mirror, [name1] fucks [name2] so hard they cant stand or walk, [name1] fucks [name2] so hard that they can barely breathe, [name2] underestimates [name1] and learns their lesson, [name1] felt bad and started praising [name2], [name2] moaning so loudly that everyone knows it was [name1]'s doing, [name1] trying wax/candle play on [name2], [name1] putting [name2] in front of a mirror, [name1] spitting on [name2] and them asking to do it again, [name2] moaning [name1]'s name on accident, [name1] fucking [name2] while they watch a movie, [name2] giving [name1] a handjob while they're playing games, [name1] fucking [name2] down to their organs, [name1] eating [name2] out in front of their friends, [name1] slowly teasing [name2] and forcing them to stay quiet, [name2] being a brat so they get punished, [name2] waking up to [name1] eating them out, [name2] screaming [name1]'s name by the end of the the night, [name1] and [name2] making out at a party, [name1] pinning [name2] to a wall as they fuck them, [name1] walks in on [name2] and their friend so they get jealous and fuck [name2] in front of their friend, [name1] making [name2] wet in front of their friends, [name2]'s best friend went missing over a week ago. [name2] is crying while [name1] comforts them.