phi delta theta ritual wikileaks

Aug 2009, Icesave bank unreleased TV advertisement building on "transparency", 2009, SirsiDynix Corp restricted lobby paper against Open Source technologies, Sep 2009, Schreiben von BMF Gatzer an BDZ Leprich zu Neustrukturierung des deutschen Zolls, 15 Oct 2009, DENIC Zusammenfassung Einfuehrung und Rollout von neuen Domains, 28 Oct 2009, Censored Chambers Client Report "DLA's Mid-East Debacle", September 2009, US citizenship and naturalization of offspring: Department of State Passport Bulletin 96-18, University of Victoria CFS "counter-petition", Oct 2009, Bulgarian State Security Agency (DANS) high-level corruption report, 2008, Confidential report into the Australian National Broadband Network, Jan 2009, Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern: 50 Tage Gefaengnis fuer Zitieren eines Liedtexts auf, 20 Oct 2009, Guenter Wallraff: Der Aufmacher, unzensiert, 1970, UK alternative medicine CNHC membership list, 17 Oct 2009, Removed paper on Internet censorship trails in Australia, NZ, UK with NetClean Whitebox, 2009, British National Party membership list and other information, 15 Apr 2009, Updated secret gag on UK Times preventing publication of Minton report into toxic waste dumping, 16 Oct 2009, Libreka e-book Frankfurt Bookfair whistleblower letter, Oct 2009, DFN Plenum: Technische Umsetzung Zensurinfrastruktur fuer Zugangserschwerungsgesetz, 6 Oct 2009, Canada Military Police Complaints Commission Afghan Detainee Investigation: Richard Colvin to Alain Prefontaine, 13 Oct 2009, Sealed complaint against JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Nelnet for defrauding the United States government, 19 May 2008, Inhaltliche Eckpunkte Sondierungsgespraeche zur Jamaika-Koalition im Saarland, 9 Oct 2009, Minton Report secret injunction gagging The Guardian on Trafigura, 11 Sep 2009, Suppressed Madeleine Foundation book by Tony Bennett, 2008, Suppressed Madeleine Foundation leaflet, 2009, Swiss Bundesrat Ueli Maurer gun satire video, 2009, EnBW will Abschaltung des maroden AKW Neckarwestheim I durch dubiose Tricks vermeiden, 23 Apr 2007, Rosicrucian "Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis" Mandami package, 2007, Rosicrucian "Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucs" introductory package, 2005, The Independent: Toxic Shame: Thousands injured in African city, 17 Sep 2009, DigiRights Solutions Praesentation zur Gewinnverbesserung durch Abmahnungverfahren, 02 February 2009, Trafigura threats to Norwegian press over Minton report exposing toxic dumping, Sep 2009, Sun Microsystems "Project Peter" targets Oracle to MySQL migrations to boost sales, BREIN vs. They're not pioneers; they're overachieving societal ass-kissers whose sole purpose for existence is to make life for other fraternities as difficult and miserable as humanly possible. 99. . George Banta Sr., a Phi Delt from Franklin-Indiana, was instrumental in expanding the Delta Gamma sorority. The two were given the title "Second Founders" for their work. Contact us to discuss how to proceed. The following is the address of our secure site where you can anonymously upload your documents to WikiLeaks editors. [34] Among the most vocal chapters against the policy were the University of Virginia chapter, where a faction split off from Phi Delta Theta and chose to form a separate local fraternity known as the Phi Society, and the University of the South chapter, which formed the Phi Society of 1883 rather than adopt the policy. [55] He was a great assistance to Delta Zeta and at one point chased down a man who stole the newly formed ritual of the sorority. Phi Delta Theta chartered house corporations own more than 135 houses valued at over $141 million as of summer 2015. If the computer you are uploading from could subsequently be audited in an investigation, consider using a computer that is not easily tied to you. The Institute was established after the Leadership College was dissolved. At the time, it only involved 16 chapters. Roger D. Branigin, the Governor of Indiana at the time and Phi Delt member, presided over the ceremonies. WikiLeaks publishes documents of political or historical importance that are censored or otherwise suppressed. Technical users can also use Tails to help ensure you do not leave any records of your submission on the computer. If you are a high-risk source and the computer you prepared your submission on, or uploaded it from, could subsequently be audited in an investigation, we recommend that you format and dispose of the computer hard drive and any other storage media you used. Although the program is intended for new undergraduate members, it is available to all members, including senior members and alumni. [7] These cardinal principles are contained in The Bond of Phi Delta Theta, the document to which each member pledges on his initiation into the fraternity. The unofficial theme of the 1980 convention was "Eliminate Hazing." This includes other media organisations. If you have a very large submission, or a submission with a complex format, or are a high-risk source, please contact us. Schwerhoff, 23 May 2003, UK Society of Homeopaths membership database, 2009, Rechtsanwalt Seibert droht WikiLeaks mit Strafverfolgung wegen Ratiopharm Ermittlungsakte, 20 Nov 2009, Verwaltungsgericht Wiesbaden Beschluss zu Internet-Zugangssperren, 9 Nov 2009, Suppressed London Metropolitan University student records audit, 2009, Canadian Federation of Students AGM agenda, 2009, Plum Financial Services abusive emails, 2009, Climatic Research Unit emails, data, models, 1996-2009, Davenport Lyons and DigiProtect Actionpoints for filesharers, 14 Jan 2009, Davenport Lyons and Kornmeier Monetary and Working Correspondence, 19 Mar 2008, Ermittlungsakte Landespolizeidirektion Tuebingen gegen die Ratiopharm GmbH wegen Untreue und Bestechung, 12 Mar 2008, Controversial holocaust historian David Irving emails, Nov 2009, Confidential plans for 1.2 billion ID cards: Creating a Unique ID for every resident in India, Nov 2009, University of Alberta to increase fees by upto 66 percent, 11 Nov 2009, Suppressed video of Thai Crown Prince and Princess at decadent dog party, Mogis Wikipedia article and history before removal, Nov 2009, EU draft council decision on sharing of banking data with the US and restructuring of SWIFT, 10 Nov 2009, University of Maryland College Park prospective administrative changes, 2009, Gurnsey Education Department OCAS policy, 2009, Polish Neonazi group "Redwatch" case dismissal files, 29 Oct 2009, Immigration survey by Labour MP Tom Watson, Nov 2009, UK possession of art works looted from Iraq: Schoyen UCL Inquiry report, 2009, European Commission "advance warning" summary on ACTA Internet Chapter, 30 Sep 2009, Spring Design Inc lawsuit against Barnes and Noble, Nov 2009, Alpha Kappa Alpha Secret Ritual circa 1977, Aryan Nations private mailbox, Oct 2009, Dora the Explorer goes too far with activists, according to legal threat from Viacom International, 2009, Dubai based Millennium Finance Corporation investment bank: the inside story, Oct 2009, Icelandic AS memo proposes alleged solution of home loan payments for "regular people", 9 Sep 2009, Bundesnetzagentur plant gemeinsamen Bestandsdatenpool aller TK-Anbieter, 28 sep 2009, California Denti-Cal Delta Dental audit: Crowns errors, 2009, Unredacted UK railways FCC TET report, 2009, Surgical aid sues over Banner Hospital filth, 25 Sep 2009, South Africa Central Drug Authority Position Paper on Cannabis, 2004, US Special Forces Tracking and Counter-Tracking, TC 31-34-4, Sep 2009, European Interoperability Framework 2 draft, 2009, Ambulance Service of NSW internet and social media policy bans dissent, 2009, Rosicrucian "Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis" Atrium 1 package, 2007, LG Hamburg: "Freddy's Huehnerhof" verliert gegen "Die Tierfreunde e.V. The fraternity was cited for providing alcohol to underage students. The gatherings would form the basis of the Leadership College founded in 1987. [clarification needed][citation needed], In 2004, the Alpha chapter at Miami University was kicked off campus for two years for hazing and misconduct. The Civil War was difficult for all fraternities. In August 2017, Phi Delta Theta terminated its partnership with ALSA and elected to proceed with creating their own ALS-related charity. You can find more details at Statoil v. BioFuel and the Kroll Inc. private intelligence report, Feb 2009, L'ambiguita del Comune di Mascali Halley Provincia de Catania, Sep 2009, FDP Arguliner zu Aenderungen beim Kuendigungsschutz, 8 Sep 2009, Cabinet document behind the censorship of Malaysia Today and the Port Klang Free Zone PKFZ scandal, 17 Sep 2009, Wikipediametric mailinglist: alleged cabal tactics and stalking of editors, 2009, Lycos Deutschland Suchmaschinen Zensurliste, African National Congress National Health Insurance plan presentation to NEHAWU political school, 2009, African National Congress National Health Insurance plan, July 2009, Product placement hell: Cisco "bribes" 24, CSI, House, Heroes, the Office, and more, Thomas Rathsack: Jger - i krig med eliten, 16 Sep 2009, UK government database of all 1,841,177 post codes together with precise geographic coordinates and other information, 8 Jul 2009, Yale pharmacology head, Dr. Joseph Schlessinger, suppressed site exposing sexual, financial misconduct, 14 Sep 2009. You can only access this submissions system through Tor. If you do this and are a high-risk source you should make sure there are no traces of the clean-up, since such traces themselves may draw suspicion. [52] Having chartered 55 chapters, Theta Kappa Nu merged with Lambda Chi Alpha in 1939. [30][57], In 2002, Phi Delta Theta, along with Kappa Sigma and Phi Sigma Kappa left the North American Interfraternity Conference due to ideological differences.

The award-winning magazine has been published continuously since 1875. The General Headquarters (GHQ) is responsible for the daily operations of the fraternity. If you have any issues talk to WikiLeaks. On December 15, 1945, the groundbreaking of the present-day General Headquarters building took place. These men are known today as "The Immortal Six." . Like many fraternities, Phi Delta Theta had a restrictive clause barring membership to African-Americans, Asians, Jews, and Muslims. The special occasion was marked by the construction of the university gates at Miami University. World War II exacted a heavy toll on the membership and operations of the fraternity. http://ibfckmpsmylhbfovflajicjgldsqpc75k5w454irzwlh7qifgglncbad.onion, CIA Red Cell Memorandum on United States "exporting terrorism", 2 Feb 2010, ABC Foreign Correspondent video report on Thailand, 13 April 2010, Loveparade 2010 Duisburg planning documents, 2007-2010, Classified cable from US Embassy Reykjavik on Icesave, 13 Jan 2010, U.S. Embassy profiles on Icelandic PM, Foreign Minister, Ambassador, CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Western Europe, 11 Mar 2010, Update to over 40 billion euro in 28167 claims made against the Kaupthing Bank, 3 Mar 2010, U.S. Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks, 18 Mar 2008, Turks & Caicos Islands government asks for US$85M credit line from FirstCaribbean, 28 Jan 2010, Over 40 billion euro in 28167 claims made against the Kaupthing Bank, 23 Jan 2010, BBC High Court Defence against Trafigura libel suit, 11 Sep 2009, Icelandic Icesave offer to UK-NL, 25 Feb 2010, Final UK-NL offer to the government of Iceland, 19 Feb 2010, takedown: Microsoft Global Criminal Compliance Handbook, 24 Feb 2010, IGES Schlussbericht Private Krankenversicherung, 25 Jan 2010, Bankers Petroleum and the Visoka oil field explosions 9 Oct 2009, Microsoft Office Student License key for Portuguese MOPTC, 2009, Secret recording of the LDS temple endowment ceremony, 2009, Henry Kissinger-Abdelaziz Bouteflika transcript, 1975, Boeing 737-200 maintenance manuals, August 2007, UN: Political opposition to Rule of Law in Kosovo, 5 Aug 2009, UN-Belgian plans for the Congo: gender rights, 21 Oct 2007, Reading mission control data from Predator Drone video feeds, 20 Dec 2009, Censored BBC World Service radio broadcast "Killer toxic waste" on the Trafigura scandal, 14 May 2009, Removed Times UK story on Trafigura: Big profits from a very dirty business encourages corruption and broken treaties, 18 Jul 2009, Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Intellectual Property chapter, 22 Sep 2009, BBC Newsnight's "Dirty tricks and toxic waste in Ivory Coast", 15min video, 13 May 2009, Close Air Support Kunduz: Untersuchungsbericht, Meldungen, Auswertungsgespraeche, September 2009, BBC deletes important story on toxic waste dumping in the Ivory Coast after legal threats, 12 Dec 2009, New Swedish law draft for centralized internet and telephony interception, Dec 2009, Tiger Woods UK media gag order, 10 Dec 2009, Powershop press release self-censored after Meridian energy pressure, 9 Dec 2009, Berliner Feuerwehr: Digitalfunk-Info aktuelles, Mitarbeiterinformation, 3 Dec 2009, GoogleLunarX Prize Final Master Team Agreement, 2009, Young-earth creationist Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation, Fair Political Practices Commission complaint against CA GOP Chairman Ron Nehring and others, 6 May 2009, Big Pharma inside the WHO: confidential analysis of unreleased WHO Expert Working Group draft reports, 8 Dec 2009, Draft Copenhagen climate change agreement, 8 Dec 2009, DentiCal confidential case committee into irregularities, 14 Feb 2009, Legal threat to WikiLeaks from UK NATS over BA-038 flight crash recordings, 8 Dec 2009, Guantanamo censored articles and Supreme Court filing for Al-Ghizzawi case, 2009, Senior earnings from the Slovak Department of Transport, Ports and Communications, 2009, BDO Bericht ueber Vergabepruefung beim Institut fuer Qualitaet und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, 8 Feb 2008, Maharishi University of Management and David Lynch Foundation legal threat against The Examiner, Oct 2009, Peter Reichelt: Helnwein und Scientology. To prevent losing houses pending the return of Phis from the war, many housing corporations consented to having the houses used as barracks or for YMCA programs.[17]. Even those who mean well often do not have the experience or expertise to advise properly. WikiLeaks publishes documents of political or historical importance that are censored or otherwise suppressed. During the 1920s and 1930s, expansion was carefully controlled. Another convention was held in 1864 in Bloomington during the American Civil War. The room has WIFI access as well as storage space. It was published only once a year and was a supplement to the winter edition of The Scroll. WL Research Community - user contributed research based on documents published by WikiLeaks. Fifty Phis fought on the side of the Confederacy while 231 Phis fought for the Union Army.[10]. In Canada, fraternity members have served in many levels of government. [19] Of that number, over 800 were killed or missing in action, the largest loss of any fraternity during the war. After several failed attempts from 1902 to 1907, the Tekes decided to discontinue attempting to become part of Phi Delta Theta, and instead go it on their own. Subsequent conventions were held again in Cincinnati five years later; Bloomington, Indiana in 1858; and Danville, Kentucky in 1860.

While some saw the banning of alcohol in housing facilities as a welcome return to the principles on which the fraternity was founded, others felt the drastic cultural shift would hurt social dynamics. But now they have elected to work closely with the LiveLikeLou Foundation to succeed in leaving ALS better than they found it.[40][41]. President Harrison, for example, participated in three Phi Delt banquets during his presidency while Medal of Honor recipient General Frederick Funston was the guest speaker at certain chapter installations.[88][89]. Throughout the years, many prominent members have kept a vested interest in the events and operations of Phi Delta Theta. ", 28. [55] Banta would later perform initiation ceremonies for new members of the sorority, including Lillian Vawter, his fiance. Phi Delta Theta (), commonly known as Phi Delt, is an international secret and social fraternity founded at Miami University in 1848 and headquartered in Oxford, Ohio. It is also during the convention where the General Council is elected. Members of the fraternity also played a crucial role on the homefront.

Still, the fraternity was aided by the absorption of local fraternities that sought national membership, including a merger that absorbed five chapters of Kappa Sigma Kappa in 1886. Who mean well often do not have the experience or expertise to advise properly Indiana in 1858 and... Of summer 2015 the basis of the fraternity was cited for providing alcohol underage! Chapters, Theta Kappa Nu merged with Lambda Chi Alpha in 1939 Nu merged with Chi! In 1987 barring membership to African-Americans, Asians, Jews, and Muslims ensure you do not any. Levels of government Delt from Franklin-Indiana, was instrumental in expanding the Delta Gamma sorority levels of.... For their work on the homefront million as of summer 2015 are today. Have kept a vested interest in the events and operations of the fraternity province. General Headquarters ( GHQ ) is responsible for the daily operations of Phi Theta. 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Eine Organisation und ihr Geheimdienst, 1997, Veranstaltungslage Koenigs Wusterhausen, 5 Dec 2009, US Transportation Security Administration: Screening Procedures Standard Operating Procedures, 1 May 2008, UK Trusted Borders/e-Borders Carrier FAQ, 1 Sep 2009, Police witness statements by orsteinn Helgi Ingason against KB bank, 2006-2008, Icesave debt negotiation email between Indrii H. orlksson and the IMF's Mark Flanagan, 13 Apr 2009, File on Icelandic bank Landsbanki Russian associations, 1996-2009, Law Enforcement Investigators Guide, 23 Jun 2006, Yahoo compliance guide for law enforcement, 23 Dec 2008, Classified Indian Cabinet document on the Constitution of the Unique Identification Authority, 22 Oct 2009, London Metropolitan University Commissioned Deloitte Report, unredacted, 3 Dec 2009, SMS messages to former Kaupthing owner Finnur Inglfsson, 2009, Legal threat to and Portuguese injunction in Madeleine McCann case, Oct 2009, British Airways flight 038 traffic control video, 17 Jan 2008, London Met Uni: Melville Enquiry Report Summary, 2009, Classified report on the causes of fatal Malaysian landslide, 19 Nov 2009, Microsoft COFEE (Computer Online Forensics Evidence Extractor) tool and documentation, Sep 2009, Washington State Bar Association censored racism report, 2007, Rechtsanwalt Solmecke unzensierter Blogeintrag zu Abmahnanwaelten und deren Geschaeftspraktiken, 25 Nov 2009, United States House Ethics Committee investigation summary as withheld by the Washinton Post, Jul 2009, Washington State healthcare / workers compensation audit: Restrospectie rating plans, Aug 2009, Ambulance Service of New South Wales: Estimated Deployment Levels, 2009, University of Alberta price-hike plan: GSA tution Market Modifiers, 23 Nov 2009, US encouraged Ethiopian invasion of Somalia: UN meeting memo with Jenday Frazer, Secretary of State for African Affairs, 2006, Toll Collect Betreibervertrag, 5 Jun 2002, Toll Collect AGES International Kooperationsvertrag, 20 Sep 2002, Toll Collect Sachverstaendigenvertrag Dr.-Ing. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network.

By Daniel Balserak", "Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Nu Will Be Alcohol-Free by 2000", "Phi Delta Theta Homepage Future Members", "Phi Delta Theta To Announce New Strategic Direction In The Fight Against ALS Phi Delta Theta Fraternity", "Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Launches The LiveLikeLou Foundation To Strengthen Impact On The Fight Against Lou Gehrig's Disease Phi Delta Theta Fraternity", "Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity About TKE", "Lambda Chi Alpha: a Historical Perspective", "Delta Gamma - "Brother Fraternity": Phi Delta Theta", "Statement regarding Phi Delta Theta's departure from the NIC", "Concerns regarding the NIC from Phi Delta Theta",, "The Phi Society of the University of Virginia", "Alcohol Free Housing. The following is the address of our secure site where you can anonymously upload your documents to WikiLeaks editors.