TMO Traffic Management Office OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration NCO Non-commissioned officer SDE Senior Developmental Education It must be spelled out in all capital letters. IR Individual Reservist ABDR Aircraft Battle Damage Repair. WRM War Reserve Materiel, BTZ Below the Zone USN United States Navy SQ CC Squadron Commander SORTS Status of Resources and Training System USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command US United States Wing CC Wing Commander IMPAC International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card STANDEVAL Standardization and Evaluation USEUCOM United States European Command RPA Reserve Personnel Appropriation USAFA United States Air Force Academy UAC Unit Advisory Council USAF United States Air Force HSI Health Services Inspection USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command

WRM War Reserve Materiel, SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, SNCOA Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, SORTS Status of Resources and Training System, STANDEVAL Standardization and Evaluation, SWA Southwest Asia K Thousand (as in dollars) STRATCOM US Strategic Command SSS Senior Service School EPRs will be read by people from a wide variety of career fields so it must be written using words that are understandable to everyone.

SOS Squadron Officers School SORTS Status of Resources and Training System TRICARE TRICARE RNLTD Report Not Later Than Date T

USCENTCOM United States Central Command UN United Nations SSS Senior Service School SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network B PCS Permanent Change of Station USAFRICOM United States Africa Command POTUS President of the United States USSOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces UCI Unit Compliance Inspection T

MSM Meritorious Service Medal

USN United States Navy E Wing CC Wing Commander USAF United States Air Force

UHF Ultra High Frequency NAF Numbered Air Force/Non Appropriated Funds USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command M RED HORSE Rapid Engineering Deployable Heavy Operation Repair Squadron Engineers SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network V K RPA Reserve Personnel Appropriation

JFCOM Joint Forces Command UHF Ultra High Frequency SPINS Special Instructions Minimize the use of acronyms that arent commonly understood across the Air Force. STRATCOM US Strategic Command PIRR Participating Individual Reservist RED HORSE Rapid Engineering Deployable Heavy Operation Repair Squadron Engineers

VIP Very Important Person WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction OJT On-the-Job Training Dec. 5, 1974 Sikorsky Aircraft delivered the last HH-53 Super Jolly Green Giant helicopter to the Air Force. SQ CC Squadron Commander WAPS Weighted Airman Promotion System hillary clinton height / trey robinson son of smokey mother OEF Operation ENDURING FREEDOM NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration POC Point of Contact POTUS President of the United States USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command OIC Officer in Charge SrA Senior Airman MAJCOM Major Command

N That way you don't waste space in the body of the EPR where space is more critical. IR Individual Reservist FAV Functional Assistance Visit 0000001671 00000 n ORI Operational Readiness Inspection DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction O&M Operating and Maintenance SSS Senior Service School H RMG Readiness Management Group USCENTCOM United States Central Command JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff RC Reserve Component IDT Inactive Duty Training US United States NCO Non-commissioned officer STRATCOM US Strategic Command O&M Operating and Maintenance SAF Air Force Secretariat PT Physical Training OCONUS Outside Continental United States STANDEVAL Standardization and Evaluation IADT Initial Active Duty Training

SOS Squadron Officers School OPR Officer Performance Report USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command 4, 1942 Ninth Air Force sent 24 B-24s to attack ships at the Naples docks in the first U.S. Army Air Forces air strike against mainland Italy in World War II. OSI Office of Special Investigations N POC Professional Officer Course PT Physical Training 6F0l| Wx`;]`u ns8S }Ww]{ TRICARE TRICARE JAG Judge Advocate General SNCO Senior Noncommissioned Officer IFK In Flight Kit DIMHRS Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System M IADT Initial Active Duty Training

USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command WebThe type of accomplishments that belong in an EPR are those that support your unit's mission. USACOM United States Atlantic Command M The medal (pictured above) is a bronze hexagon, with one point up, centered upon which is the seal of the Air Force, an eagle with wings spread, facing left and perched upon a baton. RNLTD Report Not Later Than Date TRICARE TRICARE MSgt Master Sergeant CHAMPUS HQ Headquarters UTC Unit Type Code DSN Defense Switched Network

PACAF Pacific Air Forces

SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses USACOM United States Atlantic Command USSPACECOM United States Space Command NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization EPA Environmental Protection Agency USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command IAW In Accordance With JFC Joint Forces Commander JAG Judge Advocate General UIF Unfavorable Information File SITREP Situation Report IMPAC International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card SECAF Secretary of the Air Force USCENTCOM United States Central Command ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps L TMO Traffic Management Office

BPZ Below Promotion Zone KOM Knowledge Operations Management USN United States Navy USN United States Navy SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network NCO Non-commissioned officer NCOIC Non-commissioned Officer in Charge UCI Unit Compliance Inspection RNLTD Report Not Later Than Date TDY Temporary Duty OI Operational Instruction US United States OCONUS Outside Continental United States SPINS Special Instructions WRM War Reserve Materiel, JFACC Joint Forces Air Component Commander, JTF Joint Task Force NBC Nuclear Biological and Chemical USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command OTS Officer Training School EET Exercise Evaluation Team UE Unit Equipped

USACOM United States Atlantic Command DoD Department of Defense

FAA Federal Aviation Administration VHF Very High Frequency USAFRES United States Air Force Reserve SPINS Special Instructions SJA Staff Judge Advocate NBC Nuclear Biological and Chemical USA United States Army VIP Very Important Person EUCOM European Command WAPS Weighted Airman Promotion System
CMSgt Chief Master Sergeant US United States SSgt Staff Sergeant USCENTCOM United States Central Command TR Traditional Reservist VA Veterans Administration SME Subject Matter Expert V RED HORSE Rapid Engineering Deployable Heavy Operation Repair Squadron Engineers U ISR Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaisance PCA Permanent Change of Assignment US United States UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice NET Not Earlier Than SECAF Secretary of the Air Force USSOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces SSgt Staff Sergeant UMD unit manning document USCENTCOM United States Central Command STANDEVAL Standardization and Evaluation FAA Federal Aviation Administration O SWA Southwest Asia UCI Unit Compliance Inspection

PCS Permanent Change of Station USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command UTA Unit Training Assembly SWA Southwest Asia ABM Air Battle Manager. MPA Military Personnel Appropriation PIRR Participating Individual Reservist USSOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces POC Point of Contact WRM War Reserve Materiel, USAFCENT United States Air Forces Central, USAFE United States Air Forces in Europe, USCENTAF United States Central Command Air Force, USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command, USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command, USSOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces, USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command, USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command, USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command, UTC Unit Type Code UIF Unfavorable Information File JFCOM Joint Forces Command OSI Office of Special Investigations Comm Communications SME Subject Matter Expert hbbd```b``"A$R T0yD2`8X|L^`"$s-`qF27 2 RNLTD Report Not Later Than Date WebABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, AND INITIALISMS 263 A A&P analysis and production A-1 director of manpower, personnel, and services (Air Force) A2 antiaccess A-2 intelligence staff officer (Air Force) A-3 operations directorate (COMAFFOR staff); operations staff officer (Air Force) A-4 director of logistics (Air Force) A-5 plans directorate (COMAFFOR staff) A-6 WAPS Weighted Airman Promotion System
PIRR Participating Individual Reservist V

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. WebAir Force Air National Guard United States Space Force Major Commands Lead Commands DRUs FOAs Numbered Air Forces Special Series Bases Units Search Do not use spaces when performing a product number/title search (e.g. W FAA Federal Aviation Administration SOUTHAF Southern Air Forces USN United States Navy T USAFRES United States Air Force Reserve OPR Office of Primary Responsibility SNCO Senior Noncommissioned Officer U SOUTHAF Southern Air Forces SECAF Secretary of the Air Force K SSgt Staff Sergeant CFC Combined Federal Campaign USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command USAFCENT United States Air Forces Central WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction RC Reserve Component WAPS Weighted Airman Promotion System

CDC Career Development Course

USAFCENT United States Air Forces Central TR Traditional Reservist W SNCO Senior Noncommissioned Officer OPlan Operations Plan NCOIC Non-commissioned Officer in Charge VIP Very Important Person USSPACECOM United States Space Command POC Point of Contact TDY Temporary Duty M Million (as in dollars) OTS Officer Training School VHF Very High Frequency NVG Night Vision Goggles ORE Operational Readiness Exercise M Million (as in dollars) MPA Military Personnel Appropriation WAPS Weighted Airman Promotion System TSgt Technical Sergeant USAFE United States Air Forces in Europe epr bullets DE Developmental Education TMO Traffic Management Office SOP Standard Operating Procedure

USN United States Navy Webnigel williams editor // air force epr abbreviations list. VHF Very High Frequency OTS Officer Training School NCOA Non-commissioned Officer Academy USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command


S USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command U PACOM Pacific Air Command STRATCOM US Strategic Command USMC United States Marine Corps ORI Operational Readiness Inspection SPINS Special Instructions PACAF Pacific Air Forces OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense STANDEVAL Standardization and Evaluation UN United Nations POTUS President of the United States OJT On-the-Job Training NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration STEP Stripes for Exceptional Performers

Acronyms and Abbreviations that don't have to be defined before using in an EPR, AFFSC Air Force Financial Service Center, AFOSH Air Force Office of Safety and Health, AFOSI Air Force Office of Special Investigations, AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command, AFSO21 Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century, AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System, AWC Air War College EPR Enlisted Performance Report UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command PRP Personnel Reliability Program HSI Health Services Inspection RED HORSE Rapid Engineering Deployable Heavy Operation Repair Squadron Engineers CJCS Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff TMO Traffic Management Office USAFRICOM United States Africa Command ORE Operational Readiness Exercise M Million (as in dollars) STRATCOM US Strategic Command PACOM Pacific Air Command PACAF Pacific Air Forces TMO Traffic Management Office From the Senior NCO's point of view, what counts is mission accomplishment. USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command USAFRICOM United States Africa Command SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle SECDEF Secretary of Defense Good document Wrote by CMSgt Pat Masters/26 IOG CCC As of 18 June 2002 (113K Doc) A Guide for the Air Force Officer and DoD Civilian: Very GOOD information, separated in a UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice VIP Very Important Person NET Not Earlier Than SNCOA Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy IFK In Flight Kit

PRP Personnel Reliability Program LAN Local Area Network USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command V F UMD unit manning document UMD unit manning document PME Professional Military Education M epr T NCOIC Non-commissioned Officer in Charge POC Point of Contact UTA Unit Training Assembly NLT Not Later Than VA Veterans Administration M Million (as in dollars) SOS Squadron Officers School USSOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces SJA Staff Judge Advocate SECAF Secretary of the Air Force SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network SAF Air Force Secretariat

MSgt Master Sergeant STANDEVAL Standardization and Evaluation OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense NLT Not Later Than MSM Meritorious Service Medal SQ Squadron {TiebpRXXw&2K USA United States Army O PCA Permanent Change of Assignment USACOM United States Atlantic Command RED HORSE Rapid Engineering Deployable Heavy Operation Repair Squadron Engineers USEUCOM United States European Command UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle R&D Research and Development USSOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces OPR Officer Performance Report L 0000002523 00000 n SORTS Status of Resources and Training System USAFCENT United States Air Forces Central USACOM United States Atlantic Command USEUCOM United States European Command TSgt Technical Sergeant L UIF Unfavorable Information File SWA Southwest Asia RED HORSE Rapid Engineering Deployable Heavy Operation Repair Squadron Engineers IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee When accomplishments are listed in an annual performance report, they are almost always limited SPINS Special Instructions

UAC Unit Advisory Council SME Subject Matter Expert STANDEVAL Standardization and Evaluation RPA Reserve Personnel Appropriation CENTCOM Central Command NLT Not Later Than TSgt Technical Sergeant USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command G 20+ meanings of EPR abbreviation related to Medical: Vote. SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses IG Inspector General

USACOM United States Atlantic Command P UAC Unit Advisory Council UHF Ultra High Frequency WebAction verbs to begin an effective bullet/action statement (Watch overuse of a word) Absorbed Achieved Acted Added Administered Advised Analyzed OJT On-the-Job Training

SECAF Secretary of the Air Force ISO In Support Of RNLTD Report Not Later Than Date USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command TDY Temporary Duty POC Professional Officer Course SNCO Senior Noncommissioned Officer DE Developmental Education

USAFA United States Air Force Academy ABU Airman Battle Uniform. UMD unit manning document USACOM United States Atlantic Command SME Subject Matter Expert USACOM United States Atlantic Command USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command hmo0}lUQ$T! DUI Driving Under the Influence SOS Squadron Officers School NCOA Non-commissioned Officer Academy NCOA Non-commissioned Officer Academy GPS Global Positioning System USEUCOM United States European Command HRN0+ ek;s,PZ8^R~>dl.(^K7X,FW]rbxk%2(B] IADT Initial Active Duty Training SECDEF Secretary of Defense USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command V OI Operational Instruction

JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff

NET Not Earlier Than SAV Staff Assistance Visit USA United States Army

SAV Staff Assistance Visit SJA Staff Judge Advocate MPA Military Personnel Appropriation GSA General Services Administration USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command USAFRICOM United States Africa Command USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command

UE Unit Equipped USCENTCOM United States Central Command K SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan ORE Operational Readiness Exercise NET Not Earlier Than RAV Readiness Assistance Visit UTA Unit Training Assembly UCI Unit Compliance Inspection CSAR Combat Search and Rescue

In addition, acronyms and abbreviations that are not widely known should not be used. SOP Standard Operating Procedure UMD unit manning document PRP Personnel Reliability Program PM Program Manager IP Instructor Pilot USAFRICOM United States Africa Command OPSEC Operations Security RMG Readiness Management Group SORTS Status of Resources and Training System UHF Ultra High Frequency USAFA United States Air Force Academy TSgt Technical Sergeant CAOC Combined Air Operations Center SECAF Secretary of the Air Force EET Exercise Evaluation Team USAFA United States Air Force Academy 0000001491 00000 n OIC Officer in Charge PT Physical Training US United States USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command SOS Squadron Officers School OPR Officer Performance Report EPR Enlisted Performance Report NCOA Non-commissioned Officer Academy CGO Company Grade Officer JFCOM Joint Forces Command T SNCO Senior Noncommissioned Officer **Note that the correct format for an acronym definition is the word(s) OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense TRICARE TRICARE

UTC Unit Type Code TSgt Technical Sergeant N Vote. SPINS Special Instructions EUCOM European Command USACOM United States Atlantic Command IP Instructor Pilot (15) TSgt Technical Sergeant S SWA Southwest Asia POC Point of Contact ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps OPlan Operations Plan USSOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces T NAF Numbered Air Force/Non Appropriated Funds NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. JTF Joint Task Force SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network MSM Meritorious Service Medal UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle R&D Research and Development USAFA United States Air Force Academy SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan SNCOA Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy STRATCOM US Strategic Command ORE Operational Readiness Exercise USMC United States Marine Corps WRM War Reserve Materiel, KOM Knowledge Operations Management HSI Health Services Inspection USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command IR Individual Reservist COMSEC Communications Security G US United States PM Program Manager

0000000768 00000 n SQ CC Squadron Commander UIF Unfavorable Information File force air enlisted clipart rank ranks sergeant forces chief master clip command who rating speak clker armed primer knowing vector

WRM War Reserve Materiel, EPA Environmental Protection Agency FCC Federal Communications Commission IADT Initial Active Duty Training SDE Senior Developmental Education MPF Military Personnel Flight

UTA Unit Training Assembly AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service (pronounced "A-Fees") AB Airman Basic; enlisted pay grade E-1. NCOIC Non-commissioned Officer in Charge POC Professional Officer Course USAFE United States Air Forces in Europe MEL Mission Essential Listing U WebGet the top EPR abbreviation related to Air Force. USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command USAFRES United States Air Force Reserve SOS Squadron Officers School TSgt Technical Sergeant RPA Reserve Personnel Appropriation USAFA United States Air Force Academy UAC Unit Advisory Council PCS Permanent Change of Station I Wing CC Wing Commander SSgt Staff Sergeant It may be more efficient to spell out the word every time and avoid using the acronym or abbreviation. WebAir Force Glossary Page 1 of 10 ABBREVIATIONS AADC: Area Air Defense Commander AADP: Area Air Defense Plan AAFES: Army Air Force Exchange Service AB: Air Base ABS: Air base squadron ABU: Airman Battle Uniform ACA: Airspace control authority ACC: Air Combat Command AD: Active Duty ADAPT: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment SITREP Situation Report

USAFCENT United States Air Forces Central

USA United States Army POTUS President of the United States SME Subject Matter Expert TDY Temporary Duty USAFE United States Air Forces in Europe R WRM War Reserve Materiel, LIMFAC Limiting Factor

SECAF Secretary of the Air Force RAV Readiness Assistance Visit UTA Unit Training Assembly

UCI Unit Compliance Inspection GWOT Global War on Terrorism IMPAC International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card SDE Senior Developmental Education NAF Numbered Air Force/Non Appropriated Funds USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command

SSS Senior Service School VHF Very High Frequency US United States OPlan Operations Plan OPR Officer Performance Report RED HORSE Rapid Engineering Deployable Heavy Operation Repair Squadron Engineers USCENTAF United States Central Command Air Force NLT Not Later Than ORE Operational Readiness Exercise ORE Operational Readiness Exercise SAV Staff Assistance Visit UIF Unfavorable Information File VHF Very High Frequency Wing CC Wing Commander SPINS Special Instructions MSM Meritorious Service Medal STRATCOM US Strategic Command USAFA United States Air Force Academy


SECAF Secretary of the Air Force NLT Not Later Than OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration SSS Senior Service School USA United States Army V

USSPACECOM United States Space Command NLT Not Later Than

PACAF Pacific Air Forces UN United Nations JFC Joint Forces Commander SAV Staff Assistance Visit E E NBC Nuclear Biological and Chemical UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle WebWhat is EPR meaning in Medical? ISO In Support Of POC Professional Officer Course SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan JOA Joint Operating Area 0000000671 00000 n The strongest bullet you can write is one that demonstrates the accomplishment of the mission assigned to you or your unit. V USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command N OI Operational Instruction NCOA Non-commissioned Officer Academy IDT Inactive Duty Training

USMC United States Marine Corps

Wing CC Wing Commander To accomplish this practically impossible task, supervisors have resorted to all sorts of abbreviations in order to shoehorn an event into 80 spaces. WRM War Reserve Materiel, NAF Numbered Air Force/Non Appropriated Funds, NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NCOIC Non-commissioned Officer in Charge, NVG Night Vision Goggles SJA Staff Judge Advocate USSOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces UAC Unit Advisory Council OIC Officer in Charge VA Veterans Administration UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

NCOA Non-commissioned Officer Academy Kd25DN(rr]x\K7I RMG Readiness Management Group SAF Air Force Secretariat PCA Permanent Change of Assignment U - Aced 4 college crs's; earned 12 credits twds Comm BS/sustained 3.8 GPA--completed 58% deg rqmts/achv'd Dean's List. SORTS Status of Resources and Training System LAN Local Area Network USSOUTHAF United States Southern Command Air Forces W R R&D Research and Development USACOM United States Atlantic Command UHF Ultra High Frequency SITREP Situation Report USMC United States Marine Corps TRICARE TRICARE L STANDEVAL Standardization and Evaluation SOP Standard Operating Procedure FCC Federal Communications Commission IR Individual Reservist IDT Inactive Duty Training C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command RC Reserve Component SNCO Senior Noncommissioned Officer CC, ACC Commander, Air Combat Command VHF Very High Frequency USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command OPSEC Operations Security It must be used appropriately in a sentence. WebBrowse and search thousands of Air Force Abbreviations and acronyms in our comprehensive reference resource. RAV Readiness Assistance Visit SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan OIC Officer in Charge OPR Office of Primary Responsibility USAFCENT United States Air Forces Central NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Web5.5 Define ALL Acronyms And Abbreviations First Before Using Them 6 6.6 EPR Backside Bullets--Last Lines 11 6.6.1. L JOA Joint Operating Area SQ Squadron SECAF Secretary of the Air Force MEL Mission Essential Listing USAFE United States Air Forces in Europe 120 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 122 /H [ 768 745 ] /L 330197 /E 77220 /N 29 /T 327678 >> endobj xref 120 16 0000000016 00000 n MEL Mission Essential Listing Note that when you define a term, you don't simply list the word and its abbreviation or acronym.

SORTS Status of Resources and Training System SSS Senior Service School

SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan MPA Military Personnel Appropriation USSPACECOM United States Space Command USEUCOM United States European Command

MPE Military Personnel Element JTF Joint Task Force There is no official guidance. TSgt Technical Sergeant USEUCOM United States European Command U UIF Unfavorable Information File UTC Unit Type Code PCA Permanent Change of Assignment UE Unit Equipped USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command USCENTAF United States Central Command Air Force VIP Very Important Person UTA Unit Training Assembly Engineering.

UIF Unfavorable Information File USA United States Army TSgt Technical Sergeant GSA General Services Administration GPA Grade Point Average LIMFAC Limiting Factor K Thousand (as in dollars)

NCOIC Non-commissioned Officer in Charge IADT Initial Active Duty Training WRM War Reserve Materiel, VIP Very Important Person MAJCOM Major Command Any word may be abbreviated in any manner desired. CSAF Chief of Staff, US Air Force USA United States Army NET Not Earlier Than CONOP Concept of Operations

OTS Officer Training School SITREP Situation Report SSS Senior Service School

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